Friday, 13 February 2009


1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

This module has introduced me to a range of software I had never even heard of before. I have developed basic skills from these programmes, allowing me to create interesting resolutions and a simple, user-friendly website. However, I feel that I am getting stronger and better in these programmes just as I am forced to hand my work in, I have found myself constantly finding new tools, shortcuts and simpler ways of doing things throughout this process and I do not want to stop learning about this software just because the brief has come to an end. I am definitely interested an excited to move onto dreamweaver as I have found iweb quite basic and restricting. However, I must say that I think iweb was the perfect programme to introduce us all to creating a website which is easy to navigate around and has all the basic tools needed to create a working website.

I do not believe I have pushed myself with aftereffects, sticking with simpler ideas and effects. I am still pleased with the outcome but believe it could have been stronger and more interesting. In contrast to aftereffects, I really enjoyed iweb and found the whole process of having to organise your files; create schematics and link it all together really engaging and fun! For me the iweb has always been the interesting side to this module as I started to design my website before I even thought about storyboards. So in hindsight, I think I should have time managed myself better and tried to put equal emphasis on both sections of this module.

Overall, I believe I could have pushed myself more with both software programmes, however believe I made more effort with iweb as I had more interest in this area and the animation did scare me to a certain degree.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

My christmas research took a more practical route, as I did interesting and unique experiments (I talk about this more in question 3). This has shown me that I do not need to just sit at a computer and go on wiki to find out the answers. Last year I enjoyed the research side of things as I did a lot of primary things. However, had forgotten about this side of it and I think my christmas work has shown me how I can link primary and secondary together to be more interesting.

My research after christmas was more secondary, looking at existing artists, opening sequences and title sequences. However, this was just as important to my design development, just in a different way. The x-mas work showed me that my topic is fun and bold, and then the research after x-mas showed me the possibilities for animation and website design. I definitely needed both aspects of this research to put my work together and make it fit with the brief to the best of my ability.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

This module has been excellent for my organisational skills. I set-up a file system from the very beginning, therefore allowing me to stay on top of all my files. It also meant setting the iweb up was a lot easier as I could simple drag a whole file onto a certain page. This module has shown me how organised and efficient I can be and I hope to take this found skill into future modules.

I also think my christmas research is one of my strengths in this module. I took a practical approach to it and did some unique and diverse experiments with my topic, ice-lollies. I also used a range of different medias, including photography, stop motion animation and drawing. The primary and secondary research from this section was also hands on, as I recorded the dimensions of each lolly, the nutritional values, visited the wall's factory and managed to track down an ice-cream van in December!!!

My iweb is my favourite thing in this module and loved recording my work in this way. The schematics of it also helped me work out how it all linked together, my work normally jumps around a bit and I find it hard to show how one thing has developed onto the next, whereas here the schematic made me consider this more.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I believe my animation to be my main weakness as I could have developed and pushed it further. I think I was too safe and scared my the programme! This is not an excuse as I should have worked harder on the animation to overcome this worry and to understand the software better.

In the future I am going to work harder on the bits I find difficult. Otherwise I will never feel comfortable using certain software. I also intend to continue to developing my time management skills, I have seen a difference in this module and have not been panicking at the end, however I still believe I could improve more. Setting myself mini deadlines has definitely helped and I intend to carry this through to the next module.

5. Identity 5 things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

1. Work harder at the things I struggle with. Therefore, I will not be scared to use them in the future and will gain more from the experience and software if I tackle it straight on.
2. Time management. I definitely worked on my time management for this module and it definitely helped me, as I could have been in a lot of trouble if I had not stayed to it. However, I still think I could improve more, setting mini-deadlines worked well for me so I will try this again.
3. Ask for people's opinions more. I know everyone has different views and thoughts, however I think having more crits, even if they are a relaxed session with a couple of friends, will help me work out what I could do differently and would also for more diversification.
4. Use college facilities more. From the end of January I started to stay later and come in on saturdays and found my work was improving and I got a lot more done as I had no distractions. Therefore, this is one thing I will definitely be doing for the next module.
5. Enjoy it. I have enjoyed this module, even if it not my strongest or best area of design and I think this has made a lot of difference. I have wanted to do the work, and have wanted to experiment etc. Therefore, in future modules I need to locate and find the aspect of that module I like and work towards that to keep me going and wanting to succeed.

6. Please rate yourself on the following areas.
5=excellent, 4=very good, 3=good, 2=average, 1=poor.

Attendance = 4
Punctuality = 4
Motivation = 4
Commitment = 4
Quantity of work produced = 2
Quality of work produced = 2
Contribution to the group = 3

Thursday, 12 February 2009

my final animation

Below is my final animation for this module BEFORE MY CRIT.

During my final crit, the following points were raised.
1. The yellow line is not very clear.
2. Perhaps the lolly shapes should be filled in once the line has completed drawing them.
3. Is the font clear enough at the end?
4. Do you need to know what each ice-lolly is?
5. Pace.
6. Ending; the music and how is finishes.

Therefore I came out of the crit and did the following experiments to see what worked.

Here I have tried a new font for the title and I have also experimented with filling it in with colour once the lines have finished writing it.

Here is the final animation.

I have changed the yellow line to a mint colour, stopped the music on a beat, and faded the title out so you are left with a white screen.

I have come quite a long way since my initial idea and development. However, I feel this has been positive, and allowed me to create an animation which fits much better with my subject matter.